Just a touch of gray. Kinda suits me. Anyway. It’s alright. I’ll survive. Helluva year. The best is just beyond the next turn, I think. Happy birthday to me. #birthdayboy #latergram #everydayisthrowbackthursday #thingswesaynow #silverfox #givemebetterhashtags #pleaseandthankyou #whatamievenlookingat

Just a touch of gray. Kinda suits me.

Anyway. It’s alright. I’ll survive. Helluva year. The best is just beyond the next turn, I think. Happy birthday to me. #birthdayboy #latergram #everydayisthrowbackthursday #thingswesaynow #silverfox #givemebetterhashtags #pleaseandthankyou #whatamievenlookingat
