Professor is workin’ it today. He has talked now for 15 straight minutes, and I think I have written down a total of 7 words. He just said he is going to work on our syllabus today. Yes, you are correct, sir, it is 3 weeks into the semester. Nice to see him taking interest […]
I woke up and it was pouring down rain I put my head on it really wasn’t no thang one of them days I was feelin’ immune to the pain threw on alice coltrane smoked and sang and wrote this flame composed to the rhythm of the droplets and wind whisperin’ similar to gossip the […]
Tow Trucks Suck
No Big Surprise
and this may shock you…but you think I haven’t noticed? I am more saddened than shocked. It hit me hard, of course, but it wasn’t quite like the blast of cold that slaps you when you first jump into the lake in January…its like being in the water as it slowly turns to ice…my skin […]
…maybe I curse too much. […]
Urban Style
so, tell me. which of these hip, urban fonts do you prefer? (my personal fav is fattip, but I have just been introduced to this kid from bk) […]
Criminal Law. 3:12 PM.
There are those who ask question after question, merely because they don’t understand a particular legal issue…I have been there. Sometimes, the black letter law just fails to take root. That’s not the case here. Time after time, class after class, case after case, his hand goes up. We have all seen them before. Everyone […]
Go ahead. Play like you don’t care. Don’t return my calls until weeks later? Fine. Act like an ass because that bothers me? Sure. Just generally be aloof and pretend like you don’t give a damn? Cool. But don’t bitch and moan because you think you belong where you don’t. You were special in my […]
Fuck You
“You know why, Mister? Cause you drove a Hyundai to get here tonight. I drove an $80,000 BMW. That’s my name.” – Alec Baldwin as Blake in Glengarry Glen Ross […]
Coming Attractions
“Fuck you, that’s my name.” this semester will consist of: Remedies Copyrights & Trademarks Professional Responsibility (gotta have that, I am a criminal, you know.) Legal Writing II Criminal Law (I know, I know. Shoulda had that last year. Long story, I won’t intrigue you with.) AIDS Action Washington Law Books Girls, Girls, Girls (a […]
Hair Cuttery
Barbershop. Six black men, one black woman. Two barbers, and one half of the ownership present – the Van, but not the Frank. There is something I love about the barbershop…my grandfather was a barber, though I had only been to his shop once or twice, but something about the smell of Barbasol that always […]
My Word
ok, I promise that tomorrow I will wake up at a reasonable time and go get registered, then I am going to work to make the big bucks. for real this time. […]
You’re It
yawn. clearly I should be in bed. clearly I should have registered for my classes by now. clearly I want to know my grades. clearly. If only I did not lead such a translucent life. Thanks to you, Mrs. Cynthia “The Whizzer” White, in the 3rd grade Gifted and Talented program (TAG), for calling me […]
Fun for All
Clearly, the “in” joke, the witty comment of this new year, is that “such and such” is the new “whatever”, along the lines of “Blue is the new black” and other well-mocked fashionista phrases. Try this with your friends, seriously, big league good times. […]
ok, I know I got
ok, I know I got lazy and didn’t do the rest of Kwanzaa, but so what, go look that shit up for yourselves. Dude made it up anyway, I was just tryin’ to support a brotha. So anyway. I know also, I should have done my New Year’s Resolutions™, but I haven’t decided what things […]